Hi all, hope you are having a great day so far. I need some help on something that MAYbe is really simple, and I hope I’m just overlooking it. Anyway, it is really late but I can’t really wrap my head around on how to do this properly. I don’t usually ask for help, so I’m not sure if I’m doing this topic correctly, but ask more if you need something.
Let’s say I have two simple humanoids. I will call them Green and Red. Red being the enemy, Green being the good guy.
Now, lets say I got everything working, simple AI, Red approaches Green, then Red proceeds to beat up Green, your typical Roblox AI, nothing special. But here is where my problem starts. I don’t want Red to walk directly up to Green, but actually to his sides, relative to Red’s positioning. Want this kind of solution, where Red will walk to Green’s side:
Getting RightVectors for Green will be useless as well, since Green won’t always be facing towards Red. I tried using the direction between Green and Red and using that RightVector by converting it to a CFrame but to no avail. I hope this makes sense.