I have been trying to figure out how to add a tag to the local player when touching a part, basically when they win, I’ve tried different ways yet i couldnt figure it out, any help would be appreciated!
[ i also have tried setting attributes but didnt work ]
ooooh, so is this basically the only way i could do it?
Im a beginner (3 months now) but i can understand stuff quite easily
Anyways, so remote events, ive used them before already relating to a similar issue but i fixed it, so would i have to make a remote event to give the tag to that specific player using collection service?
You could use attributes or tags, either works. Although you should ensure the player actually made it to the end by doing a hitbox check in the end zone
hmmm, well they do touch the part, and it would only fire the remote event on client if they touched it ( runs on local script ), also wdym by doing a hitbox check (im look it up on here but feel free to explain )
ooooh, well i think ill fix the issue for now with the remote event and add a tag on it, ill come back to you later if it worked if thats cool with you
As more resets happen this can turn into a memory breach, think of it those way, having 100 touch events activated on one part is definitely not good for server performance