I use in the game Fe Gun Kit, but in all releases, versions are a mistake in the module “GlassShattering”
This code is inderlined
CFrame.new(pos, pos + vector).p
CFrame.new(pos, pos + vector * -1).p
(CFrame.new(pos, pos + vector) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -minimumSize / 2)).p
All code “GlassShattering”
local GlassShattering = {}
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local function CreateTriangle(pos, pos2, cframe, part, sizeZ)
--sizeZ = 0.2
local tableToSort = {{
longest = cframe - pos2,
other = pos - pos2,
position = pos2
}, {
longest = pos - cframe,
other = pos2 - cframe,
position = cframe
}, {
longest = pos2 - pos,
other = cframe - pos,
position = pos
table.sort(tableToSort, function(a, b)
return b.longest.Magnitude < a.longest.Magnitude
local sortedTable = tableToSort[1]
local v = math.acos(sortedTable.longest.Unit:Dot(sortedTable.other.Unit))
local newSize = Vector2.new(sortedTable.other.Magnitude * math.cos(v), sortedTable.other.Magnitude * math.sin(v))
local newSize2 = Vector2.new(sortedTable.longest.Magnitude - newSize.x, newSize.y)
local newPos = sortedTable.position + sortedTable.other / 2
local newPos2 = sortedTable.position + sortedTable.longest + (sortedTable.other - sortedTable.longest) / 2
local Unit = sortedTable.longest:Cross(sortedTable.other).Unit
local unit2 = Unit:Cross(sortedTable.longest).Unit
local unit3 = sortedTable.longest.Unit
local newPart = part:Clone()
local newPart2 = part:Clone()
newPart.Size = Vector3.new(sizeZ, newSize.y, newSize.x)
newPart2.Size = Vector3.new(sizeZ, newSize2.y, newSize2.x)
newPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, -Unit.x, unit2.x, unit3.x, -Unit.y, unit2.y, unit3.y, -Unit.z, unit2.z, unit3.z)
newPart2.CFrame = CFrame.new(newPos2.x, newPos2.y, newPos2.z, Unit.x, unit2.x, -unit3.x, Unit.y, unit2.y, -unit3.y, Unit.z, unit2.z, -unit3.z)
newPart.Anchored = false
newPart2.Anchored = false
return {newPart, newPart2}
local function GetThinAxis(hit)
local size = {hit.Size.X, hit.Size.Y, hit.Size.Z}
local minimumSize = math.min(size[1], size[2], size[3])
local axis = nil
if minimumSize == size[1] then
axis = 1 --x
if minimumSize == size[2] then
axis = 2 --y
if minimumSize == size[3] then
axis = 3 --z
return axis, minimumSize
local function GetPoints(hit)
local y = nil
local y2 = nil
local x = nil
local x2 = nil
local z = nil
local z2 = nil
local axis = GetThinAxis(hit)
local partSizeX = hit.Size.X / 2
local partSizeY = hit.Size.Y / 2
local partSizeZ = hit.Size.Z / 2
y = CFrame.new(0, partSizeY, 0)
y2 = CFrame.new(0, -partSizeY, 0)
x2 = CFrame.new(-partSizeX, 0, 0)
x = CFrame.new(partSizeX, 0, 0)
z2 = CFrame.new(0, 0, -partSizeZ)
z = CFrame.new(0, 0, partSizeZ)
if axis == 1 then
local points = {hit.CFrame * y * z2, hit.CFrame * y2 * z2, hit.CFrame * y2 * z, hit.CFrame * y * z}
if hit:IsA("WedgePart") then
table.remove(points, 1)
return points
if axis == 2 then
return {hit.CFrame * z2 * x, hit.CFrame * z * x, hit.CFrame * z * x2, hit.CFrame * z2 * x2}
if axis ~= 3 then return end
return {hit.CFrame * y * x, hit.CFrame * y2 * x, hit.CFrame * y2 * x2, hit.CFrame * y * x2}
local function GetShatterPoint(hit, pos)
local axis, minimumSize = GetThinAxis(hit)
local vector = nil
if axis == 1 then
vector = hit.CFrame.RightVector
if axis == 2 then
vector = hit.CFrame.UpVector
if axis == 3 then
vector = hit.CFrame.LookVector
if (function(vector, minimumSize)
local a = CFrame.new(pos, pos + vector).p - hit.CFrame.p
local b = CFrame.new(pos, pos + vector * -1).p - hit.CFrame.p
if a.X ^ 2 + a.Y ^ 2 + a.Z ^ 2 < b.X ^ 2 + b.Y ^ 2 + b.Z ^ 2 then
return false
return true
end)(vector, minimumSize) then
vector = vector * -1
return (CFrame.new(pos, pos + vector) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -minimumSize / 2)).p, vector
function GlassShattering:Shatter(hit, pos, dir)
local cframe = nil
local points = GetPoints(hit)
local vector = nil
cframe, vector = GetShatterPoint(hit, pos)
local trianglePart = Instance.new("WedgePart")
trianglePart.Reflectance = hit.Reflectance
trianglePart.Transparency = hit.Transparency
trianglePart.TopSurface = hit.TopSurface
trianglePart.BottomSurface = hit.BottomSurface
trianglePart.FrontSurface = hit.FrontSurface
trianglePart.BackSurface = hit.BackSurface
trianglePart.LeftSurface = hit.LeftSurface
trianglePart.RightSurface = hit.RightSurface
trianglePart.Color = hit.Color
trianglePart.Material = hit.Material
local axis, minimumSize = GetThinAxis(hit)
local cframeData
if #points == 4 then
cframeData = {{points[1], points[2], cframe}, {points[2], points[3], cframe}, {points[3], points[4], cframe}, {points[4], points[1], cframe}}
cframeData = {{points[1], points[2], cframe}, {points[2], points[3], cframe}, {points[3], points[1], cframe}}
local fragments = {}
for i = 1, #cframeData do
table.insert(fragments, (CreateTriangle(cframeData[i][1].p, cframeData[i][2].p, cframeData[i][3], trianglePart, minimumSize)))
hit.CanCollide = false
hit.Transparency = 1
for i = 1, #fragments do
for ii = 1, #fragments[i] do
local triangle = fragments[i][ii]
triangle.Name = "_shatter"
triangle.Parent = Workspace
triangle.Velocity = dir
triangle.CanCollide = true
Debris:AddItem(triangle, 10)
return GlassShattering
problem in line 104,105 and 114
source file
GlassShattering.lua (5.2 KB)
And here is all the variants of Fe Gun Kit I found (file is open)
Module works but I would like to solve the underline, definitively
Thanks in advance