Glaze Chicken | Public Handbook

Glaze Chicken | Public Handbook

Welcome to the Official Glaze Chicken Public Handbook. This handbook is to inform members of our community about us. if you have any inquires don’t hesitate to contact a Middle Rank or member of our Support Team.

About Us

Glaze Chicken is an awesome and realistic restaurant that’s always striving to give customers the best mouth watering taste of chicken they’ve ever eaten! Customers are guaranteed to have a great time at Glaze Chicken! Satisfaction is something we are proud to ensure! We currently have over 1,450 members and have been operating since 2021. We were founded by fundworks. We were re-founded by TakingTax. All rules on the group and community server are required to be followed.

Tables of Context

Rules & Regulations

By using any of our services such as playing on our games or communicating in our server, you have agreed to follow our rules & have granted us the right to punish you accordingly for not following the rules. Any questions or concerns can be raised on our communications server, or by asking our Staff.

  • Respect and Maturity: Respect and maturity are to be shown to all members, staff, and creations of others. We do NOT tolerate disrespect.

  • Discrimination: Discrimination will give you an instant ban, whether it is on LGBTQIA+ individuals or POC etc. We will ban you with no hesitation.

  • NSFW: This is NOT the place for you to post NSFW content, there are multiple other places on Discord for you to do that, this is not the place.

  • Controversial Topics: Controversial topics such as politics and religion are not tolerated, if you find yourself discussing it with another member please take it to personal messages.

  • Advertisement: Please do not advertise as this communications server was made for our group, not yours.

  • Spam: Do NOT spam our server or games, we’ll just ban you right away.

  • Swearing: Swearing is not permitted! This goes for slurs too, slurs are an instant ban.

All offenses can result in a ban, kick, or mute depending on the situation.

Rank Information

Customer — ∞

The customer is the rank of which is provided with our refreshments and customer service. We anticipate that they are satisfied with their experience.

Trainee — Experienced Fryer | Low Rank

Trainee — ∞

The Trainee has taken and passed the application and is now one step closer to being able to work behind the counters by attending a training session at the scheduled times.

Junior Fryer — ∞

The Junior Fryer has passed their first session. Now they are eligible to work behind the counters and take orders that the Junior Fryer may create.

Fryer — ∞

The Fryer has recently passed their first training session and they are now able to work the cafe’s kitchen.

Experienced Fryer — ∞

The Experienced Fryer rank is designated to those who gain enough points by working in our game.You can also gain this role from having 1,500 points or more.

Management Team — Medium Rank

Employee Assistant — 30

The Employee Assistant assists in supervising the restaurant as well as training/assisting in training sessions. They are the first and foremost rank of the Management Team. The only way to get this rank is either from being recognized in the cafe by an Assistant Manager or higher.

Supervisor — 10

The Supervisor continues to supervise and assist in the café as well as training sessions, however, they are proved to be more experienced than their previous rank.

Assistant Manager — 30

The Assistant Manager continues to carry out the responsibilities of the Management Team as well as the additional opportunity of co-hosting sessions and being granted the permission to kick and demote users with a justification.

Manager — 25

The Manager comprises the responsibilities and expectations of the Management Team as well as the options listed in the aforementioned rank and opportunity to host sessions.

Coordinator — 20

The Coordinator continues to execute the responsibilities and standards of the Management Team as well as plays a high role-model standard for the more recent members in it.

Corporate Team — High Rank

Executive Board — 4**

The Executive Board is the most recent addition to the Corporate Team, training in order to become a part of one of the departments in the corporation. This rank of which qualifies as a High Rank unlocks new leadership opportunities and responsibilities


Managing Officer — 2

The Managing Officers are those who as well as manages their practices.

Executive Director - 2

The Executive Directors are those who have specifically shown dedication throughout their work in the selected departments. They are also known as the Directors of their departments. They are open to more opportunities and jobs in their respective departments.

Leadership Team - Super High Rank

Vice President — 2

The Vice President assists the President in their tasks and responsibilities regarding development, Corporate Team management, insight and feedback on group practices, and the establishment of the corporation as a whole. Vice Presidents are also the Overseers of the Departments within the company.

Executive Vice President — 1

The Executive Vice President assists the President in his tasks and responsibilities regarding Corporate Team management, insight and feedback on group practices, and the establishment of the corporation as a whole.

President — 1

The President executes and regards tasks and responsibilities regarding, Corporate Team management, insight and feedback on group practices, and the establishment of the community.

Contact Information

Contact Information

The most efficient way to contact a Department is through the Glaze Chicken Communications Server. The invite may be found in Social Links listed under the group description. Please note that you must be over the age of 13 to use Discord.

Public Relations Department

The Public Relations Department creates affiliates and watches over their communications server & group to make sure they’re obeying our rules as an affiliate. If at any point you have to make a report about our affiliates, you will be directed to the Public Relations Department who will then sort the problem out & terminate the affiliate if it’s needed.

  • Chief Relations Officer - N/A
  • Lead of Public Relations - chibi0052
  • Deputy Lead of Public Relations - jxlianzs

Staff Management

The Staffing Department oversees our Staff Team. That staff are obeying their guidelines, treating you all respectfully and not treating anyone unfairly. The Staffing Department also comes in handy for you all. If you come across a rude unhelpful staff member and you’re looking for someone to report it to, the Staffing Department are the people who can help.

  • Chief Staff Officer - N/A
  • Lead of Staffing - sxhyunz
  • Deputy Lead of Staffing - N/A
Social Links

Social Links

Roblox Group
Glaze Restaurant
Training Center
Application Center
Event Center
Communications Server