Golosita MR Promotion Guide


Greetings, this guide is directed to Golosita’s Low Ranks who are interested in becoming a Middle Rank. Enlisted below are some of the qualities you must possess to become an MR.


  • You must be actively working on the Cuisine behind the counters for atleast 1 hour a day, working , for example, 6 hours on one day won’t cut it. Employees who are active everyday have a greater chance of being noticed by our management team.

  • You must be professional, professionalism is a vital quality to possess to become a Middle Rank at Golosita. Please do not try to hint (get attention to be promoted), as this could result in a demotion and will decrease your chances of become an MR greatly.

  • Helping others out, helping others out is a great quality to possess as a Golosita MR. This could vary in helping staff find certain areas and assisting Customers in the best way that you can.

Periodically, Golosita will release Middle Rank applications if we are in need of staff, so you may also apply there.

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