Good way to make a pet follow script?

Hello, I am currently working on a pet follow script and I was originally using BodyPositions, and BodyGyros to make the pet follow the player, these worked, but the BodyGyro wasn’t facing the player. I asked around and heard about RocketPropulsion’s, and trying it somewhat got what I wanted to work, but it wasn’t smooth (i could fix that with tweaking the properties tho), and it wasn’t facing the player how I wanted it to. It was kind of tilted, and the front wasn’t facing the player. Which should I use for a pet follow script, and what’s a good way to do this?

Also, the movers was just changed using a while wait() do loop, and changing the position to the humanoidRootParts position, and the gyro to the cframe, the rocket thingy, I just changed the target to the hrp and ran :Fire()

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Hello, how are you doing?

Before making a post in here, please do some research about your problem!

For example, Alvin Blox made a WHOLE series about pets, which do include a pet following script.

This is a video where he explains about the pet following you want.

Have a good day!

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Oh sorry, i’ll keep this in mind next time I make a post!


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No worries dude! Glad you could figure out the answer to your problem.

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