So basically the game has 2 values, fart meter and fart goal. Fart goal is a number that doesn’t change; it’s the limit your fart meter can go before you poop your pants. The fart meter is how many times you’ve farted. It fills up the bar as it goes up. Or at least that’s what it should do, but instead it does something like this…
robloxapp-20220407-2037482.wmv (661.7 KB)
Here is my code:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local fartmeter = player.FartFolder.FartMeter
local fartgoal = player.FartFolder.FartGoal
script.Parent.FilledBar.Size = script.Parent.FilledBar.Size +, script.Parent.Size.X.Offset / fartgoal.Value, 0, 0)
Please let me know if there is a way to fix this. Help would be appreciated.