Gui does not update

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    My local script does not run, I want it to update the images of my ImageLabels.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I believe the issue could be with the ‘if’ commands. But everytime I try to check it I do not find anything that would cause this script to not execute. There are no errors in the output.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I did not find any posts or anything that could help me the slightest in this script.

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!

local occupied = script.occupied
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local gensfolder = player:WaitForChild('gens')
local trashgen = gensfolder:WaitForChild('trashgen')
local cargen = gensfolder:WaitForChild('cargen')
local hatgen = gensfolder:WaitForChild('hatgen')
local tetrisgen = gensfolder:WaitForChild('tetrisgen')

if trashgen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture then
	script.Parent.Image = trashgen.Decal.Texture
	occupied = true
	script.Parent.Visible = true
elseif cargen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= cargen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= cargen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= cargen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= cargen.Decal.Texture then
	script.Parent.Image = cargen.Decal.Texture
	occupied = true
	script.Parent.Visible = true
elseif hatgen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture then
	script.Parent.Image = hatgen.Decal.Texture
	occupied = true
	script.Parent.Visible = true
elseif tetrisgen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture then
	script.Parent.Image = tetrisgen.Decal.Texture
	occupied = true
	script.Parent.Visible = true

	if trashgen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= trashgen.Decal.Texture then
		script.Parent.Image = trashgen.Decal.Texture
		occupied = true
		script.Parent.Visible = true
	elseif trashgen.Value == 0 and occupied == true and script.Parent.Image == trashgen.Decal.Texture then
		script.Parent.Visible = false
		occupied = false
		script.Parent.Image = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Currency.ImageLabel.Image


	if cargen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= cargen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= cargen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= cargen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= cargen.Decal.Texture then
		script.Parent.Image = cargen.Decal.Texture
		occupied = true
		script.Parent.Visible = true
	elseif cargen.Value == 0 and script.Parent.Image == cargen.Decal.Texture and occupied == true then
		script.Parent.Visible = false
		occupied = false
		script.Parent.Image = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Currency.ImageLabel.Image

	if hatgen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= hatgen.Decal.Texture then
		script.Parent.Image = hatgen.Decal.Texture
		occupied = true
		script.Parent.Visible = true
	elseif hatgen.Value == 0 and script.Parent.Image == hatgen.Decal.Texture and occupied == true then
		script.Parent.Visible = false
		occupied = false
		script.Parent.Image = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Currency.ImageLabel.Image

	if tetrisgen.Value > 0 and occupied == false and script.Parent.Parent.Item1 ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item2 ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item3 ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and script.Parent.Parent.Item4.Image ~= tetrisgen.Decal.Texture then
		script.Parent.Image = tetrisgen.Decal.Texture
		occupied = true
		script.Parent.Visible = true
	elseif tetrisgen.Value == 0 and script.Parent.Image == tetrisgen.Decal.Texture and occupied == true then
		script.Parent.Visible = false
		occupied = false
		script.Parent.Image = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Currency.ImageLabel.Image

I’m sorry about the script being so long, but you could check only one of the ‘if’ commands since they are all almost the same. There are 4 IntValues inside the local player, I want the Images on the player’s inventory to update everytime one of the IntValues get a value higher than 0. image
Nothing shows up on the inventory despite the IntValues being updated and being 1 or more.