GUI not going into dock widget?

I decided to continue an abandoned game organizer plugin project. It basically will just let you organize your games.

The problem is, I can’t seem to put a pre-made GUI inside of the widget. Here is the entire code:

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Game Organizer")
local Button = Toolbar:CreateButton("View games", "View my games", "")
local Opened = false

local WidgetInfo =
	false,   -- Widget will be initially enabled
	false,  -- Don't override the previous enabled state
	200,    -- Default width of the floating window
	300,    -- Default height of the floating window
	150,    -- Minimum width of the floating window (optional)
	150     -- Minimum height of the floating window (optional)

local StudioUserId = game:GetService("StudioService"):GetUserId()

local Widget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("", WidgetInfo)
Widget.Title = "Game Organizer"

print("Widget: ", Widget)

local gameInfo = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(""))

print("game info: ", gameInfo)

local orgGui = script.Parent.OrgGui:Clone()
orgGui.Parent = Widget

--[[for i, experience in pairs( do
	local gameIcon = script.Parent.Template:Clone()
	gameIcon.Parent = orgGui.Main.Games
	gameIcon.GameName.Text =
	gameIcon.Image = """&fmt=png&wd=420&ht=420"

	if Opened then
		Widget.Enabled = false
		Opened = false
		print("User ID: "..StudioUserId)
		Widget.Enabled = true
		Opened = true

Here is what the plugin folder I am saving locally looks like:

Please help! Thanks!

A plugin widget behaves like a ScreenGui so putting a ScreenGui in a ScreenGui won’t work. Take the UI inside OrgGui and parent it to the plugin widget.

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Ah ok, thanks! Haven’t worked with plugins for a while so I forgot.

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