GUI Selection Menu Help

Hi! This is LoveTheBears101! I am making a magic game where the player has a wand and can go around and cast spells, but I’m not sure how to do the GUI menu that the player will select the spells from. I was thinking having a scrolling frame on the side of the screen, but I don’t want the player to have to scroll through a list to find the spells they want to cast. Does anyone have any good ideas on how I can make a menu that the player can easily find spells in? Thanks, LoveTheBears101

A good idea would be to set key binds for the different spells, this will make it easy for the player to access.

You can do that using string manipulation, using a “Search bar” UI

I was thinking of doing keybinds for computers, but I was wondering how to make it easy on mobile, too

I don’t want the player to have to scroll through a list to find the spells they want to cast

Sort the spells on rarity from “Common” to “Rare+”, Each spell category would have it’s own Gui Frame

That’s a great idea! Thanks! I was also thinking that the player could “pin” spells at the top so they are easier to find.