Gui streches and moves

Whenever I click something like the tool box or something, my gui streches and moves. Only one icon stays the same. I have checked over the gui properties of all gui and they all seem to have the same thing check marked as well as the same numbers, color, etc. (besides icon). I don’t know if this will help but all icons are .png. Im trying to make all icons not move and strech.

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That might be because the virtual camera changes it’s size when windows are added/removed…? Maybe try scaling the ui to different screen sizes so it fits all your needs.

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I see the problem, the absolute size is different. How do I change it though? When I click it nothing happens.
Screenshot 2021-11-12 141514

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Use scale while scaling your gui. Not Offset.
First. Set the size to 0,0,0,0
then start sizing it. After that look at the size. You should see a decimal in these digits:
0.120, 0, 0.120, 0
That simple. If you have any questions then ask.


I believe this guide will be able to help you.


How do you figure out you need to use 0.120, 0, 0.120, 0 and whats the difference between offset and scale? Other than that thanks.

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the 0.120, 0.120 was an example. Scale makes it so it will auto size to each players screen. Offset does the opposite