Gui to be given on respawn (Only if they're on a certain team)

Hi, basically what I want to do is give a player a GUI when they respawn but only when they’re on the ‘Arrested’ team. I tried this script, however it fired and no gui was given :sad:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local gui = script.Arrested

		if plr.Team.Name == "Arrested" then	
			local clone = gui:Clone()
			clone.Parent = plr.PlayerGui

What am I doing wrong and is there a way you’d do it?

Couldn’t you call the gui a better way?

Rather than that, could you have done local gui = script.Parent.Arrested?

??? 30 Chars

My thing is, that no matter how I do it the player just doesn’t get the GUI

use Team.TeamColor should work then!