Training Host Guide
This guide is for Training Hosts.
Important Information
- Hosts can be Management+.
- Co-Hosts can be Supervisor+.
- Trainers can be Staff Assistant+.
- Helpers can be Head of Services+.
[STAFF NOTE] Always ask the helpers/trainers if they have the right guide.
Hello! Welcome to the [time] Training Session. This session is hosted by [name], and co-hosted by [name]. Before we begin, I am going to tell you the rules of this session! Please be patient and attentive!
Please listen and respect your trainer at all times during the training. Not doing so will result in removal from the server .
Do not leave the server before being kicked/ranked, if you do, you won’t receive your rank.
Use proper grammar all the time, reaching 3 grammar mistakes will lead to your failure in this session.
Do not spam the group wall and complain if you fail, doing so will result in consequences.
Staff, don’t fail a good trainee or pass a bad trainee, it will lead to consequences.
We are done! Trainers and helpers, please go to your stations.
At the end of the session make sure to rank passers.
Training Trainer/Helper Guide
This is the guide for Training Trainers/Helpers.
Important Information
Make sure to always follow the guide properly.
They will only get to go from trainee to their chosen rank. (Housekeeping, Security, Receptionist)
Hello! I am [name] and I will be your trainer in this lovely session.
Before we begin, do you have any questions?
Great, we may now begin with questions.
- How do you help a customer who needs their room cleaned?
- What would you do if a customer asks for a room?
- If a customer needs housekeeping, do you barge in on their room unannounced, or ask to come in?
- Please demonstrate how you would use the broom.
- What would you do if a troller came up to housekeeping?
- What would you do if an exploiter came up to housekeeping?
- What would you do if you encountered a troller?
- What would you do if you encountered an exploiter?
Do a troll test until the trainee calls for a MR or HR.
Please have the trainee say their greeting.
Act like you are a guest and need a room. The trainee needs to say they gave the room to the customer.
Do a troll test until the trainee calls for a MR or HR. Also do this with the exploit test.
Now use either of these messages depending on whether you think your trainee passed or failed.
Congratulations, you’ve passed this training and will be ranked by the host, thanks for coming!
Unfortunately you failed this training session, feel free to come back to one in the future.
:kick [user] Congratulations on passing your training, head to the hotel and work hard with your new job!
:kick [user] Failed. Please attend another session to try again.
Interview Host Guide
This guide is for the host at interviews.
Important Information
- Hosts can be Management+.
- Co-Hosts can be Supervisor+.
- Interviewers can be Staff Assistant+.
[STAFF NOTE] Always ask all your interviewers to have the appropriate guide.
Once you’ve slocked the server, the session will begin! You will now start by greeting the server with a few messages and rules. Always use :sm before each message.
Hello! Welcome to the [time] Interview Session. This session is hosted by [name], and co-hosted by [name]. Before we begin, I am going to tell you the rules of this session! Please be patient and attentive!
Make sure you use grammar at all times, using grammar will increase your chances of passing your interview.
Being rude, disrespectful or racist during this event will result in your removal.
You will only be ranked up once if you pass.
Please be patient and caring with your interviewer, they have taken time out of their busy schedule today to interview you.
If you fail don’t get angry or rage, remain respectful and don’t spam our communications chat or group wall as that can lead to further punishment.
Three grammar strikes is a fail, copy and paste is an automatic fail.
Wait your turn, and have fun!
Alright, interviews can get started! Good luck!
Once a person passes, make sure to rank them. If a person fails, kick them from the server.
Interviewer Guide
This is the guide for Interviewers.
Hello and welcome to this Interview Session. I’m your interviewer [NAME] and I will be conducting your interview today.
Please remember that III grammar strikes are an automatic fail.
Please say C7RN to confirm you don’t have safechat. (if they do, kick them)
We will now proceed with the interview.
Correct this sentence: H3ll0, 1 w3nT a r00m plz.
Why do you want to become a Trainee at Suite Resort?
How can you benefit Suite Resort by becoming a Trainee?
Do you have any past experience in the industry? If so, please list them.
Why should we choose you over applicants to get this position?
If you encountered a troller in the hotel, how would you respond?
If you encountered an exploiter in the hotel, how would you respond?
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?
On a scale of 1-10, how good is your grammar?
Do you have any questions before I give you your results?
Now use one of the following messages to denote whether they passed or failed.
Congratulations, you have successfully passed this interview session! Please would you be so kind as to follow me to be ranked.
Unfortunately you have failed, you can always try again in another session!
Now take your attendee over to the host and get them ranked. Once they’ve been ranked, they should be kicked from the server;
:kick [user] Congratulations on passing your interview, head to the hotel and work hard with your new job and attend training to rank up.
:kick [user] Failed. Please attend another session to try again.
ROBLOX Group Shouts:
[INTERVIEWS] Head down to the Event Hub! Host: (their name) Co-Host: (their name) Time: (the time of session) Don’t miss out!
[TRAININGS] Head down to the Event Hub! Host: (their name) Co-Host: (their name) Time: (the time of session) Don’t miss out!
[INTERVIEWS] Slocked! Why don’t you head down to the hotel?
[TRAININGS] Slocked! Why don’t you head down to the hotel?
[INTERVIEWS] Concluded! Congratulations to all of our new trainees! <3
[TRAININGS] Concluded! Congratulations to all of our passers! <3
[INTERVIEWS] Canceled due to (reason) Why don’t you head down to the hotel?
[TRAININGS] Canceled due to (reason) Why don’t you head down to the hotel?