Guitar animation looking different in Animation editor, Studio test mode, and in game

Hello! I am using a cubic easing in style for the head in this guitar animation. In editor, the head moves as should, realistically. In game, it shows it as if the whole animation was linear. In play test, it looks extremely robotic, like cubic but just… weird…

.In game
.In editor
.In test mode

I have restarted Studio and my computer, and now in game looks like test mode, as shown here. (Results probably keep changing for in game and in test mode, no clue, but I know the animation in editor stays the same…)

What do I do about this? What’s at fault here?

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How is the guitar connected to the character?

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It isn’t :stuck_out_tongue: it’s just a standard R15 rig, the guitar stays in place

I think I’ll just remake it with Linear, this is gonna be hard :flushed: