Guys is it good if i put part.Touched() in a while loop, here is an example:
local Part = workspace.Part
while wait() do
Part.Frame.Text.Text = Part.RandomValue.Value
Part.RandomValue.Value = "a random string here"
the only reason i want to ask this question is that i want to keep the text from updating but i feel like the touched function will be inefficient or not secure or something
the while loop is unnedded if you want it to only update when the part is touched. it will always happen if you call .Touched:Connect(function) regardless if its inside a loop or no
i know is unneeded for that example but for me i have a for loop that runs through all of my parts.
if i dont put it in a for loop then it wont get the part, but if i dont put the for loop in the while loop the text wont update