Hats not sticking to humanoid?

Hi guys, so i’m currently building a project, i’m trying to use humanoids to add realism to my build,
But when i test play my game, all of the hats on the humanoid disappear… How can i fix this?
I’m not good at the technical side of things and this may seem like a dumb post/question lol

Inside of the accessories there is a weld, when you insert it, the weld value is lost. Try looking into the welds in each of the hats.

There is no weld when i look into the accessories

Take the part inside the accessory, so put the ‘ClockworkShades’ inside the dummy model, so you dont have the accessory object parenting the part.

What you could do is add the extension BtRoblox
This allows you to access features you normally wouldn’t be able to on roblox
Then go to the catalog and find the accessory you want
Then click the download button on the top right corner of the itemScreenshot 2020-04-26 at 9.54.43 AM
After doing so the item should download onto your computer
Then go to file explore and drag and drop the file into roblox studio
After that find the character you would like and drag and drop that file you just added into the npc/character.
Hope this helps

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