So, I’m trying to make a Kill Ball where you walk into it, and you start taking Damage, But What I want the ball to do is slightly dip into a ground and be able to be Moved around with Physics, Something Like this:
I get that I can easily have another Part welded in the Center of the Ball to act as such and have it do its thing, and then I could use PhysicsService to set the CollisionGroups to make them non collidable with the Player, but How would I do this without the Assistant Part? Is that Even Possible?
i dont think that would involve anything related with scripting due it should work as just “visuals” of the main part.
You have the whole issue solved on all chances, as you said, would be better to have a inner ball, which interacts with physics, and an “outer shape” that is just the visual that sinks into the ground and walls.
Otherwise, lots of calculations? raycasting to keep track of a center of the ball and its offset relative to ground just for showing an FX that is an outline bigger than the core?
EDIT: Double checking… You want the outer shape to interact physically with players, I think… And ignore ground