Having issues with Rigs

https://gyazo.com/e28ee6daa278fcdd156feff9db575f8a i tried make a armor around player, like a susano from naruto, but the part position are weird and the animation too

Iam just cloning the player parts, making BIGGER, and welding on the original player part, just that, but dont work, i am desperate

for i,v in pairs(self.Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
            if v:IsA("MeshPart")then
               if v.Name~='HumanoidRootPart' then
                   local Clone = v:Clone() 
                   Clone.Parent = self.Model
                   Clone.Anchored = false  
                   Clone.CanCollide = false
                   Clone.CastShadow = false
                   Clone.Transparency = 0.8
                   Clone.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
                   local Motor = Instance.new("Motor6D",self.Model)                   
                   Motor.Part0 = Clone
                   Motor.Part1 = v
                   Clone.Size = Clone.Size * Vector3.new(2.8,2.8,2.8)  
                   Clone.Position = v.Position + Metrics[""..v.Name]                                       
            elseif v.Name == "Head" then
                local Clone = v:Clone()
                   Clone.Parent = workspace
                   Clone.Anchored = false  
                   Clone.CanCollide = false
                   Clone.CastShadow = false
                   Clone.Transparency = 0.8
                   Clone.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
                   local Weld = Instance.new("Weld",self.Model)
                   Weld.Part0 = Clone
                   Weld.Part1 = v
                   Clone.Size = Clone.Size * Vector3.new(2.8,2.8,2.8)  
                   Clone.Position = v.Position + Metrics[""..v.Name]
        self.Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").HipHeight = 8

The full code is here, if you guys need --//Serviceslocal RunService = game:GetService("RunService")local Replicated - Pastebin.com

You have made this thread countless times, please refrain from doing so.

But, to solve your problem, you should clone the character, resize it, position it to the corresponding part(right leg position to big right leg position), then use weldconstraints to weld the big parts to the corresponding small parts. Make sure they have anchored to false.

I did that look the code, that IS what iam doing.

And still dont working, really look the code first and the Gif.