Headscale is not a valid member

How do I incorporate head scale into my code because whenever I do it doesn’t work, hear is the line of code,

		player.Character.Humanoid.HeadScale.Value = grow_val

Here is the error


Can we see your variables? Or a little bit more of the script.

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the scripts super messy, but here

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local grow_val = 20
local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("TITANOMG")

local function Titan(player)
	print(player.Name .. " fired the remote event")
	local light = script:FindFirstChild('PointLight')
	local lightclone = light:Clone()
	local plr = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name)
	plr.stun.Value = true
	local particleEmitter = script.ParticleEmitter
	local pec = particleEmitter:Clone()
	pec.Name = "shifting"
	pec.Parent = plr.HumanoidRootPart
	lightclone.Parent = plr.HumanoidRootPart
	local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid
	--make person beeg
		player.Character.Humanoid.HeadScale.Value = grow_val

		player.Character.Humanoid.BodyDepthScale.Value = grow_val

		player.Character.Humanoid.BodyWidthScale.Value = grow_val

		player.Character.Humanoid.BodyHeightScale.Value = grow_val


	plr.stun.Value = false


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HumanoidDescription is inside the Humanoid not the character.


I dont even see that in the script shown above, but yeah thats the issue.

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Ok, so I added that and theres no errors but the character wont get bigger,

	player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription.HeadScale = 20

	player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription.DepthScale= 20
	player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription.HeightScale= 20
	player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription.ProportionScale= 20
	player.Character.Humanoid.HumanoidDescription.WidthScale= 20
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Maybe try changing Headscale directly instead of from HumanoidDescription? It might work but I dont know.

To add onto that if that doesnt work you can just directly change the part of the heads size
Although that may not be what you want.

Create a number value for the scales and put it under the character’s humanoid if it doesn’t already exist. Make sure you name the values correctly. Editing the humanoid description would not work. Your code doesn’t match the error message so the problem probally isn’t even the “player.Character.Humanoid.HeadScale.Value = grow_val”. You can also try using WaitForChild because the scale values most likely aren’t loaded when the character first spawns.

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