Heaven Studio is hiring a scripter!

About Us
Hello There! I am the Owner Of Heaven Studio. We are looking for a Scripter & an Artist for our Simulator Game.

Our Group logo:


The Team
@me - owner/Builder
@YellowBanana898 - Lead Builder
@You - Scripter
@Hanamii - Artist/UI Designer

About The Job:
The time limit from the game is not currently set, it will be set once we know how long each part of the Development will take. The Whole map is done for the release.

Our game style: This is all from our game.

Scripter: A shop 4 categories item count is up to you. The shop should be tweening. Random breakable item spawn. Weapons and break items. Currency and data store. Main menu with camera manipulation. It should have play button, settings, update log and credits
Codes, Pet hatching system, pet system and trade system, rebirth system
Daily rewards and daily tasks

You will get 30 - 35% Of Robux made from the game. Can go higher.
Paying 2k when the game is released.

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or on Discord.
Discord - alexyroyal30#5618

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Hello alexy I am a scripter I am so interested in this game so if you could contact me please do discord: BanLloKei#1784

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