Hi everyone, my ProfileService script isn’t working.
I try to print my Data but in OutPut writing “nil”.
I give all permissions in security page but isn’t working.
What should I do ?
This is the ProfileServiceScript:
ProfileService.txt (84.4 KB)
This is the DataManagerScript:
DataManager.txt (1.1 KB)
Please provide us more scripts and info. Giving information like these won’t help.
Actually you already know the ProfileService script (2k line script)
I am not an expert on ProfileService, I’m just a learner that shared their own tutorial on how to use it for others.
also You already know how we taking Data from ProfileService.
Example :(DataManager:Get(plr))
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ok then I will send you ProfileServiceScript
You can just send it here so @loleris might appear and help you as well.