So I’m looking to make a script (or multiple rather) that only work if you choose a certain character. I’ve checked YouTube and dev forum and haven’t found anything useful yet.
Basically what I’m looking to do, is make a game where you could choose different characters, but depending on the character, you would get different abilities. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this?
You can check what their player is and then do something like
if player.ChosenChar == "lol" then
game.ServerScriptService.ScriptA.Disabled = false
So would this also work to make scripts specifically for said player?
Well you should have a strong grasp of the basic Lua API before asking questions here for the specific Roblox API. You can use Attributes (which were recently put out of beta), to assign a certain name to each player, and run the code based on the Attribute value. API is here.