Help on old vs new games

Sorry the post wasn’t getting attention so I decided to change the title.

So, I’m working on my growing my skills on everything I can grow. I want to be a solo dev. A long time ago I created lots of experiences (most of them are made in 2020) I used to use Roblox templates and free models and publish them because I didn’t know anything about game development. I’ve created lots of exleriences, and they are totally useless and filling up my inventory. I’ve got a lot of different game ideas which will be my future projects. But the thing is, because these games are filling up my inventory and are useless, and I also don’t need them, I would like to update them to my future projects (I also renamed most of them, you can see them on my profile creations tab).

So on here I have a few questions -

1. What I’m doing is a good idea or should I create new places for my future projects? And why?

2. Will this affect my player engagement performance? (All of them have very low place visits since 2020)

3. Creating projects on the perfect creation date would be a better idea or I should update and turn my old games to new projects? (e.g. I created a project today and today is the perfect date of my project creation so people will know today this game was created, but updating old games will not hold the perfect date because they were created a long time ago.

If you have any experience on this or you know something about this then please reply, it will save me a lot of time and effort.

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Reassigning the whole topic, for help :slight_smile:

I don’t have too much experience with this, but here’s what I’d do…

(These are answers to the questions)

1. Well since you said that most of them were filled with free models I would recommend making new places, but of course this varies by the game.

2. I don’t think it would if you make them enjoyable.

3. I really don’t think people even look at the creation date before playing a game, and even if they do, I don’t think it affects anything that much.

Hope this helped! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! I will now update my old games into new projects. But I’ll abandon some of them because there are a lot of games.

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