Help Regarding "EditableImage" and "AssetService:CreateEditableImage()"


When I am using the “Glassmorphic UI” module from Zack Ovits, I have an error on line 164 that says Unable to create an Instance of type "EditableImage" , I then checked and saw that Roblox Doesn’t allow for"EditableImage") and Instead you have to do AssetService:CreateEditableImage() which is a problem because now I cannot parent this editable image to anything as it returns Parent is not a valid member of EditableImage. So how can I do this?

This is the function that is erroring:

function GlassmorphicUI._getGlassObject(Window: ImageLabel): GlassObject
	local glassObject = GlassmorphicUI._windowToObject[Window]
	if not glassObject then
		local EditableImage
		local ExistingEditableImage = Window:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("EditableImage")
		if ExistingEditableImage then
			EditableImage = ExistingEditableImage
			EditableImage = AssetService:CreateEditableImage()
			EditableImage.Parent = Window

		glassObject = {
			Window = Window,
			EditableImage = EditableImage,
			Pixels = {},
			PixelIndex = 1,
			InterlaceOffsetFlag = true,
			Resolution =,
			ResolutionInverse =,
			WindowSizeX = 1,
			WindowSizeY = 1,
			WindowPositionX = 0,
			WindowPositionY = 0,
			WindowColor = {
				1 - Window.BackgroundTransparency,
			BlurRadius = GlassmorphicUI.RADIUS,
			Paused = false,
		GlassmorphicUI._windowToObject[Window] = glassObject
	return glassObject

and the link to this module is here: GitHub - boatbomber/GlassmorphicUI: Glassmorphic UI in Roblox

You used to be able to parent it how you are, however it was changed at some point. The new way is to set the Image property of the image label to the content of the EditableImage:

Window.Image = Content.fromObject(EditableImage)

Ok, thanks for the help as it “technically” is the solution however after fixing it, alot of the properties the module is trying to change appears to now be “read only” :smiling_face_with_tear: