When I am using the “Glassmorphic UI” module from Zack Ovits, I have an error on line 164 that says Unable to create an Instance of type "EditableImage"
, I then checked and saw that Roblox Doesn’t allow for Instance.new("EditableImage")
and Instead you have to do AssetService:CreateEditableImage()
which is a problem because now I cannot parent this editable image to anything as it returns Parent is not a valid member of EditableImage
. So how can I do this?
This is the function that is erroring:
function GlassmorphicUI._getGlassObject(Window: ImageLabel): GlassObject
local glassObject = GlassmorphicUI._windowToObject[Window]
if not glassObject then
local EditableImage
local ExistingEditableImage = Window:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("EditableImage")
if ExistingEditableImage then
EditableImage = ExistingEditableImage
EditableImage = AssetService:CreateEditableImage()
EditableImage.Parent = Window
glassObject = {
Window = Window,
EditableImage = EditableImage,
Pixels = {},
PixelIndex = 1,
InterlaceOffsetFlag = true,
Resolution = Vector2.one,
ResolutionInverse = Vector2.one,
WindowSizeX = 1,
WindowSizeY = 1,
WindowPositionX = 0,
WindowPositionY = 0,
WindowColor = {
1 - Window.BackgroundTransparency,
BlurRadius = GlassmorphicUI.RADIUS,
Paused = false,
GlassmorphicUI._windowToObject[Window] = glassObject
return glassObject
and the link to this module is here: GitHub - boatbomber/GlassmorphicUI: Glassmorphic UI in Roblox