Help Removing Equip Tool With Number

Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone here knows how to remove the feature where you press a number and that coordinated tool from your inventory is enabled. I scripted it so that the tool in StarterPack is toggled when pressing the “B” button (shown below in a localscript parented to the tool itself.)

However, if I press the “1” button on my keyboard it still toggles the tool as well. I created a temporary solution by removing the core GUI backpack (shown below as a local script inside of StarterPlayerScripts.)

I still need to access btools with Kohl’s Admin while in the game, and removing the backpack core GUI makes it so ALL backpack items cannot be enabled with the number keys. I don’t have access to anything else in my backpack inventory! I’ve linked a baseplate project just in case any of you want to mess around with it. I’ve looked this up but can’t really find the solution I’m looking for. I’ll take any help I can get! Thanks!
Broom.rbxl (70.8 KB)

Can I ask why you want to do this? It seems like you could just not use Tools in the first place or something like that.

The tool activates whenever I am inside of a vehicleseat. I have keybinds set so that a user can make a part attached to the vehicle move; however, when I try to press the assigned number key and have something in my inventory slot with that same hotbar number, it just equips the tool and gets really annoying. I’d rather have it so that I can equip the tool whenever I press the “B” button and still have the number keys do stuff when I am in the vehicle I programmed. It’s really hard to explain where I’m coming from with this, but I just need to disable pushing a number key to toggle the tool.

I don’t think the keybind can be disabled, even with ContextActionService, as I looked through the list of available options but none of them were related to this. You could:

  • set .Enabled property to false on the tool manually,
  • create a RemoteEvent,
  • create a localscript that listens to your keybinds,
  • fire the remote if pressed,
  • the script, listening to the event, will .Enabled the tool and Humanoid:EquipTool().

I’ll try this out. Thank you for your input.