[HELP] Which is better for a charactor morph: Unions or meshes?

Hello everyone. I’m want to make some morphs but I would like to know whats better and what will cause less lag. Any help would be appreciated! Also, forgive my niaveness since I’m still trying to get familier with studio and it’s terminology and features.

Heres a refrence picture of what I mean by charactor morph.


Roblox Unions typically have more tris than a Mesh version would have.
I’ve started taking any of my more complex Unions and uploading them to Blender only to find out they are very messy when you look at the Vertex layout of the Mesh.

So unions are more complex is what your saying? Please forgive me if I sound stupid I’m still learning studio and other development programs.

Yeah, take a Union, load it into Blender and have a look. So many doubles and unnecessary vertices.

I highly suggest using meshes over unions, they’re a lot more optimized and cause less lag depending on the situation. Unions can have extremely unnecessary triangles that just cause more lag than a mesh.

It’s better off if you use meshes. Unions are still somewhat of a mess and contain high tris counts.