Help with a seeing a ui through wall

I have currently been playing Rainbow 6 Siege (KEEP READING its actually something) a lot in my free time, and there is this character pulse, he has a heart monitor to see a players heart through walls to get their position, I’ve written the code to get the position of the Roblox players “heart” (custom attachment), but I’m not even sure where to start. Here is a video of what I m trying to achieve.

, I need to find a way to get this kind of effect, not the m monitor or anything, just how to get the GUI to be seen, I already have a position attachment named Heart, and I am using heartbeat and run service, just not sure how to do the gui

Maybe you could use a BillboardGui with alwaysontop on?

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Camera:WorldToScreenPoint (

Use the 3D point of the heart with WorldToScreenPoint to get the 2D position that you can use to place your GUI