Help With Creating an Item Notifier?

Recently I’ve been trying to create my own item notifier. I am trying to do this with just a proxy and ROBLOX Studio. Now, I could do this with some other programming language and program, maybe even create an extension or something but I am trying to create this with just ROBLOX, my own proxy (to get the catalog API) and discord webhooks (to send the messages there). While trying to create my item notifier, I faced some issues. So I was able to receive the data from the catalog API to the game with no problems, I JSON decoded the data, converted it to a Lua table but then I got stuck. I did not know in which way I could obtain the new items released, updated items (items which go limited for examples, items that get a decrease on their price, items which go for sale for a period of time etc… ), new limited items and so on. Then I came up with a solution. So the way I thought I was going to do this was:
Make a variable which stores the last :GetAsync() request and another variable which stores the current :GetAsync() request and compare the tables with the items. In this way I could compare the differences in the modified table and end up with a conclusion on what happened. Like did a new item get created? Did an item go limited? etc…
And this seemed like a good idea but I got stuck eventually and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. The code that I wrote was awfully bad also. The script that I wrote sometimes worked but not in the way I desired it to work. I need some help over here, but I am repeating the code I wrote is awfully bad, it handles HttpRequests in a really bad way (to the discord webhook) (e.x if 2 items changed at once the HttpRequest would error because of reaching the rate-limit). I am actually looking for a way to do this and not someone to fix my awfully made script. If someone would do that, I would appreciate that but you do not have to. Anyway here is my script:

--//Scripted by vamik64

"target" is my own private proxy server,.
This won't work if HttpRequest are down, can't do anything about that

local target = "my proxy's link here (website)"
local wh= "my webhook link goes here"
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local lastRequest = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(target))
local blacklist = {"Favorited"; "Sales"; "Remaining"; "PrivateSales"; "IsServerSideThumbnailLookupInCatalogEnabled"; "ThumbnailUrl"; "IsLargeItem"; "BestPrice"; "PriceView"; "OffSaleDeadline"; "Updated"} --properties, do not remove any

function SendMessage(webhook, message)
   local content = {
       message = message 
    local toBeSent = HttpService:JSONEncode(content)
   local succ, err = pcall(function() HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, toBeSent) end)
    if not succ then

function compare(tab1, tab2)
   if tab1 == nil or tab2 == nil then return end
    for n, item in pairs(tab1) do
        for property, value in pairs (item) do
                for n2, item2 in pairs(tab2) do
                   for property2, value2 in pairs(item2) do
                       if property == property2 then
							for _, r in pairs(blacklist) do
								if r == property then return end
                            if n == n2 then
                                if value ~= value2 then
									lastRequest = tab1
                                    local message = "New Item!\nItem Name: "..item2["Name"].."\nURL: "..item2["AbsoluteUrl"]
                                    SendMessage(wh, message)
                                    lastRequest = tab1

function GetInfo(target, decode)
    local result;
    if type(target) ~= "string" then return end
    local succ, err = pcall(function() result = HttpService:GetAsync(target) end)
    if not succ then
    if #result == 0 then
		repeat local succ, err = pcall(function() result = HttpService:GetAsync(target) end) and wait() until #result ~= 0

	if #result ~= 0 then
    if decode == true then
       result = HttpService:JSONDecode(result) 
    return result
while wait(0.2) do
    local currentRequest = GetInfo(target, true)
   compare(lastRequest, currentRequest)     

As I said the code is awful :grimacing:.
I was trying to mess around with and find a solution more than I was trying to get it to work as I expected it to.