Basically Im making a game around Rocketry, Combat and orbital mechanics. The game takes place on the “moon” which is downscaled to be around 120k studs in diameter. The entire game is basically collect resources build rockets and fight the problem is to do with the orbital mechanics. Its well known that space is huge and it takes a very long time to get from point A to B so I modified physics a little bit and created and significantly reduced the time by making a smaller world and messing with gravity. the 120k stud diameter moon was choosen as a compromise between floating point error’s, Making something big enough for people to hide etc and also give people the “thrill” / realisim of going into orbit as if it were a small planet/moon It would seem strange and not as realistic.
THE PROBLEM: sadly how the math works even changing physics there are still some rules I can’t really get around basically the larger the orbit the longer it takes and its not a linear relationship so we get problems with the orbital period blowing up to an absurd amount from around 3-5 miniutes in low orbit to
this absurd 848 miniutes or 14 hours! which a player can easily get to this kind of orbit by changing there velocity by like 700 studs/s and not to mention the floating point errors if you go out that far
So im wondering what do I do make the moon smaller? I don’t want to make a global rule where theres a time warp of like 3X because landing and flying rockets will be like impossible. Games like KSP get around this by using a timewarp but I would have no idea how to make something like that work in multiplayer.