Help with inserting table into another table?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want to, using a moderation system modulescript im making, insert a table using a function into the module script on the server to set admins.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Its quite hard to explain and I dont even know what the issue is, no errors, and my print statement debugging only shows 1 value.

Here is the function in the module script

	function ModService:SetAdmins(admins)
		if type(admins) == "table" then
			for i,_ in pairs(admins) do
				return admintable -- thats there because debugging, admintable is a predefined variable, i just haven't shown it here
			warn("function ModService:SetAdmins() arguement 1 is a "..type(admins)..", not a table")

Here is the server script:

local ModerationService = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ModerationService)
local myAdmins = {

local test = ModerationService:SetAdmins(myAdmins)

This is the output

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Nothing worked.

because youre returning the table after adding 1 id

	function ModService:SetAdmins(admins)
		if type(admins) == "table" then
			for i,_ in pairs(admins) do
            return admintable -- thats there because debugging, admintable is a predefined variable, i just haven't shown it here
			warn("function ModService:SetAdmins() arguement 1 is a "..type(admins)..", not a table")
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Forgot to say this, but it returns as a dictionary and I don’t exactly like that (me nitpicking), I thought it might just be the output saying that but im not sure. Any way to fix?

i think its just the output window doing that, does that to all types of tables

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got it, thanks!

(character limit go brrrrrrr)

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