How am I able to make a system where you are only allowed to carry 1 primary gun and 1 secondary gun?
categorize your guns as primary and secondary and script it so that when the player selects their loadout they can only have one of each kind
if player is constantly getting guns, add a variable inside or a thing that separates it from other types and check for that every second or something
How will I do that? I am not an advanced enough scripter, so it would be appreciated if you showed examples.
is the gun a tool or a pseudo tool?
A tool, not sure what a pseudo tool is.
just either check the name or add something for a script to check and replace when needed
I have made primary and secondary inventory recently, to make it you would have to create attribute or value called category which detects where it should be placed
If you didnt understand my solution, this video might help you with your problem (
A Pseudo-tool is a fake tool, usually a model or mesh bound to the player’s character model and starter character scripts are used to control the primary and secondary weapon animation states.
This kind of system was adopted by Alianor III: Anniversary, however, it ended up being problematic because of syncing ammo count between the server and client (a, respectfully speaking, hit-and-miss anti-cheat method that resulted in some clients having ammo counter issues).