Help, with multipliers/multiplying and getting values

Hey, there are folders inside player that have “enabled” and a “multiplier” value.
The folders are the players owned Weapons.
I want to make so when one is equipped more points can be earned with the multiplier or the weapon.
I couldn’t find A clear answer on how to make it like work in my game,

Basically I just wanna check if the value is true and if so it gets the multiplier value and multiplies the points.
Here is a example of the script:

local clickDetector = script.Parent
local Pointamount = --example value--
function onMouseClick(Player)

local getMultiplier
		function getMultiplier(Player, Multiplier)
			local Multi = 1
			for i,v in pairs(Player.Boosts:GetChildren()) do
				if v.Equipped.Value == true then
					Multi = Multi + v[Multiplier].Value
				-- I was not being too smart so I don't know where to add the lines where it adds the points and what would be the best way to multiply them?

-- I tried :"Player.leaderstats.Points.Value = Player.leaderstats.Points.Value + Pointamount * Multi"
			return Multi

Yeah, sorry If this is common sense because I am tired.
The Multiplying does not seem to work. Need help from smarter people.

If I read correctly you mean that when a player has a weapon equipped that weapon gives him a point multiplier.

If this is the case I would like to know if this script goes inside the tool, because the Equipped function i think does not work if it does not go inside the tool.

It’s really hard to follow what you’re trying to do. Could you post a screenshot of what the explorer tree looks like?

I think your example already shows getting the additive multiplier and I think you want to use it like this

local function give_reward(player: Player, reward: number)
    local multi: number = getMultiplier(player, "childMultiplier")
    local totalReward = reward * multi
    player.leaderstats.experience_gold_whatever += totalReward

No , this is actually inside a click detector.
This has nothing to do with normal Tools.

Yes I read it wrong, you are trying to do a point boost when this boost is clicked?

Like a boost that multiplies your points for a specific time?

I think a good example of what I am kinda trying to achieve is like many “simulators” have like Pets or Boosts and when they are like equipped they give out a multiplier.

I think that If I had that I could customize it my way.