How would i use raycast to return the information of the part that is infront of me. any help would be appreciated
Just use a print?
Seems simple enough.
local Raycast = workspace:Raycast(...)
if not Raycast then return end --If Raycast returned nil, return.
print("Part Name: "..Raycast.Instance.Name.." | Part Material: "..Raycast.Instance.Material.Name)
You can add whatever you want to the print as long as you concatenate it to the string and it is capable of being turned into a string.
For example; Vectors are not able to be simply concatenated to a string, you have to give it the components.
=> error
print(Vector.X, Vector.Y, Vector.Z)
=> X,Y,Z
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You can use the LookVector
of the Players Character, and then Multiply it, for the Direction.
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thank you i have never used raycast so this is helpful