Help with rendering

My Render:
(Cycles render in Blender)

The problems are very clear:

  • There are orange specs where there is supposed to be shading.
  • There are black spots towards the back of the Right Arm and hair.

My questions are:

  • How do I get rid of the orange specs
  • How do I make sure there are no random black spots
  • How do I render with a transparent background (the HDR rendered too)

I 've just learned about using nodes in Blender, so forgive me if these are simple fixes!

Here’s my node layout for the entire model

Hello! Nice render. The orange specs are called “fireflies” and they have an easy fix especially because you said that you have an HDRI. What you can do is turn multiple importance on in the world settings and increase your sample size in the render panel.

If you’re using blender 2.7

If you’re using blender 2.8 it’s in the world settings under volume.

You can also check out this article: for more tips as to how to remove them. In that article it shows you how to use a setting called “filter glossy” and I suggest that you use that in your render as well as it seems the surfaces are pretty reflective.

I’m not sure about the black spots, it might be something to do with your UV map so I’d suggest googling some solutions to that.

In order to make the background transparent in Blender 2.8 and 2.7 go to the render panel and open up the film settings. You’ll find transparency there.

I hope this helped!


Thanks for the solution! I’ll make the fixes you said, as well as figure out how to get rid of those black spots. Thanks again.