Help with scripting a part that changes the material after a certain time

Hello, I want to create a part that changes the material after a certain time.
How can I make one?
Thank you.

Depending on the certain time, you can change the Part’s Material by setting the Enum of the Material to whatever you want to change it to:

local TimeToWait = 5
local Part = workspace.Part


Part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon

Just a simple example you can experiement & mess around with

Thanks, but I meant “time” by ClockTime.
If I want ClockTime, do I change the “TimeToWait” to something else?

For example, I want the part to change the material after 20 ClockTime and change back again at 6 ClockTime. Thanks!

Ah, well what we could do then is keep detecting when the ClockTime property changes using the GetPropertyChangedSignal function, and check if the current time is equal to what we want to change in relation with the Material:

local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local Part = workspace.Part

    if Lighting.ClockTime == 1200 then --Or 8:00 PM/20:00
        --Change Material Here
    elseif Lighting.ClockTime == 360 then --Or 6:00 AM/6:00
        --Change Material Here

Ok, Thank you for the solution!

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Do keep in mind as well that this would only change if the Part’s Material is equal to that specific time hour exactly

If you wanted to check within the range of it, you could probably do something along the lines of checking the ranges between them:

local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local Part = workspace.Part

    if Lighting.ClockTime >= 1200 or Lighting.ClockTime <= 360 then --Or 8:00 PM/20:00
        --Change Material Here
    elseif Lighting.ClockTime >= 360 or Lighting.ClockTime <= 1200 then --Or 6:00 AM/6:00
        --Change Material Here

Something along the lines like this I suppose

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Ok, Thanks for the information!