Help with Separate server teleportation

Hello. I am making a game but I need a GUI Play button that takes you to a separate server. It would be nice if you can help with finding a guideline.

(Thank you.)

If you’ve already got the Button in set, you could use the TeleportToPrivateServer function when your button is clicked :thinking: If I recall correctly, that will create your own 1 player server in the same game & I’ll show an example (If I still remember how darn teleports work)

local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local Button = script.Parent
local PlaceID = 00000 --Whatever the Place ID is
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

function TeleportToAloneServer()
    local AccessCode = TPS:ReserveServer(PlaceID)
    TPS:TeleportToPrivateServer(PlaceID, AccessCode, {Player})

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