Hey all, Scott here
So I’m trying to recreate an NPC chat system that was used in a legacy game I’m trying to recreate.
Currently, it does indeed work but every so often I get an error message in my output stating “20: attempt to index nil with 'Value”
Here is the troublesome code:
--// Values
local settings = script.Settings --// Folder
local lastUsed = script.lastUsed.Value --// ObjectValue
local cD = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local newText = nil --//Currently nil, turns into a ObjectValue
local color = script.Settings.textColor.Value --// StringValue
local cooldown = script.Settings.cooldownSeconds.Value --// IntValue
local textFolder = script.Settings.Text:GetChildren()
--//Speak Function
function speak()
--// Repeats code until value "newText" isnt equal to the last used text.
local newTextRand = textFolder[math.random(0,#textFolder)]
newText = newTextRand
until newText ~= lastUsed
--// It then uses the chat function and plugs where the chat will be adorned to, the text, and the chat color.
game.Chat:Chat(settings.whereToChat.Value,newText.Value,Enum.ChatColor[color]) --// Line of issue.
--// It then sets "lastUsed" to "newText" and then clears it with nil.
lastUsed = newText
newText = nil
I apologize if my code is messy or anything like that, I’m still trying to get back into programming.