Help with teleporting all players from different servers to one

How do I TP all players to a server which are in different servers?

local teleportOptions ="TeleportOptions")
					teleportOptions.ShouldReserveServer = true
					local teleportResult = TeleportService:TeleportAsync(7163466765, {}, teleportOptions)

This is a thing I have and saving it using teleportResult.ReservedServerAccessCode.

How can I use teleportResult.ReservedServerAccessCode and teleport someone to the same place?

Players | Roblox Creator Documentation will return a table with all the players currently on the server.

Put that in the second parameter of TeleportAsync.

And all players on that server will be teleported to the same reserved server.

But what if I wanted to teleport some players to the same server later?

Then just use TeleportAsyncResult | Roblox Creator Documentation to get the ReservedServerAccessCode and save it to a variable. And also use DataStoreService | Roblox Creator Documentation to save the access code. And you can use TeleportService | Roblox Creator Documentation to teleport those players to the same server later.