Helping with a car chassis

Hey there, I am building a chassis from scratch and I chose to go with the one explained in this tutorial: Building a Basic Car

Anyway, when you turn, it is turning based on a part called the WheelMount, which is this grey concrete piece. This is annoying me because it means that the wheels turn into the car’s body, rather than just the wheels itself turning. If you have an idea on how to fix it, please let me know.

Here is the game if you wanna test it, use the yellow car: GabinoRBLX's Place Number: 169 - Roblox


maybe make the top can collide since no way to get inside the car

What do you mean? All you have to do is use the ProximityPrompt to enter the car

theres none?

You could try putting the wheel mount closer to the center of each wheel, or put it inside the wheel completely, if that’s not enough.

I tired giving that a shot, but for some reason anytime I change the position of the WheelMount, the chassis automatically puts it back to where it was :confused:

You might need to redo the welds and other constraints

make the wheel cframe the same as the grey part so it will rotate in place

i think it’s rotating into the car cause of the distance from the turning part

I don’t understand, the cars work well

Yes, but if you look at the wheel while turning, you notice that it turns into the body which isn’t the best for appearance.

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