[HIRING] 3k-5k Hourly Robux for 3D Modelers (long term)

DevDiscord Small FSRP 3D Modeler Recruitment

Hello all! I’m RedBubba_Dev. I’m the Chief Executive Officer for a group called Florida State Roleplay. We’re currently looking for a couple 3D modelers who’d be interested in joining the FSRP development team.

These are the following skills that we will be hiring for
Note: that some information will be through via COO contact only. This is to keep information hidden from our community to keep updates a surprise. Everything that you see here is a concept and not the final draft for you to build there will be tweaks and changes to make it related to FSRP.

3D Modeled Buildings

Housing Examples:

Gas Stations:

Business Structures:

Interstate/road Intersections

and as well with something possibly like this with layering the roads but not as complex as this photo


American base standard roads (mainly Central and South Florida Styled)


Mainly the Texture and Architectural Design

Not as long bridge but same style and concept \/


all R15 models contact COO to get more info


Port and industrial type of buildings

Structure Interiors

Depending on the building and what is needed to make that place functional.

Contact COO to get more info

Vehicle & boats (no interior except on some boats)

Modern day American styled vehicles. References to the company names

  • Ford
  • Toyota
  • Nissan
  • Dodge
  • Jeep
  • Ram
  • Lincoln
  • Honda
  • Cadillac
  • Chevrolet
  • BMW
  • Tesla

Contact COO to get more info


We’re looking to pay somewhere around R$3,000-R$5,000 hourly. All commissions will be a medium poly look with low poly functions. This is a long term position!
Note: You are to show progress on your models that you make when ever you are online working on them.

If you’re interested in taking on this position, please contact my COO (Chief Operating Officer) via discord @joshua#4414. He will give you all the information that you need to know. When you message him please make sure that you have proof of past experience of work or portfolios. He will skip over people that say hi in his dms. We appreciate you taking the time to look over this thread! Have a good one.

CEO – @RedBubba41477
COO – @JoshAmour

My discord will be @RedBubba_Dev#1090 I will contact you once my COO has notified me of you.
My COO discord is joshua#4414

If you want to check out our group and game links are down below
Group – Palm Creations - Roblox
Game – Leon County - Roblox


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