Hiring a builder for a new game!

Hiring a builder for a new game!

Job Details

We are looking for a builder for our project that our studio is working on. We need a builder that is good at making creative, colorful, and low-poly / cartoonish designs.

About Work

We are looking for a builder who can create fun and creative builds for a Tycon-style game. These builds would be mostly indoors and outdoors based (they won’t work with teleportation). Designs should feel vivid and vivid. This job will be a full time position, you are expected to dedicate your time to their work. You are expected to work alongside our team of modelers, designers, programmers, etc. to produce unique experiences in our updates.


We pay in robux, we can discuss the price in DM, we also have Youtubers who will sponsor the game and make announcements. (+10 youtubers) We will pay in robux.

  • 685 subscribers: 36,999 total visits
  • 3540 subscribers: 238,368 total visits
  • 46,800 subscribers: 14,759,738 total visits
  • 47,900 subscribers: 3,919,410 total visits
  • 76,100 subscribers: 12,868,979 total visits
  • 100,000 subscriberss: 12,343,318 total visits
    and there are more youtubers.

Contact Us

Send us a message with your portfolio, with examples of your work. Please also let us know your Discord username so we have another way to contact you. If I send you a request look for Mateooarce1#5653 or add me!

¡Gracias por leer! :slight_smile:

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