Hiring A development team!

About Us

Hi there! My name is santiella, and im looking to hire a development team for simulators, fps games, and more! (professionals !) The group funds and the games will be here: PlayersOfGames - Roblox

The Team
@Santiella -Project Leader
@AllGoodNamesRGone243 Scripter
@Santiella - Builder
@MmadProgrammer - Scripter
@username - Meshes
@2 applying!- GFX Designer

About The Job

We are looking to be a successful Development team! YOU can possibly help us! Send us your work to see your skills! :smiley:


We are paying the profits the game gets, we will split it and you can get some when the game has some funds! :slight_smile:
Scripter - 20% each.
Builder (me) - 15%
Meshes - 15%
GFX - 10%

10% for game updates, badges and other things.

Contact Us

You can contact us on the developer forum or on discord!
Discord: San#5521 !

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


you forgot to put the role animator there or the game gonna look dead inside.

ummm okay…im sorry do u want to be the animator?

1 Like

nahh, i just said that cause you forgot to put the that u also need an animator cause a game without animations look a bit dead.

I suggest you have some set payment, or people won’t really be interested. Also, you spelled professionals wrong

You gave zero input about the job or what the game is about. Also you should include percentages each position receives beforehand.


Add on discord - Dan_XD1#6964 I can do GFX

Thanks for applying! Friend me on discord! San#5521

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