Hiring an AI Programmer

About Us

Hi there! We are RARKAZ, a game development team which focuses on creating high quality games on the ROBLOX Platform. I have created a story game before, which is what we’re currently making, you can find it here: Museum (STORY) - Roblox

The Team
@Little_Joes - Programmer(Bad at AI) also team leader.
@shabman - Builder
@KoKobin_HD - Modeller
@masterboy5277 - Builder

You can see our progress so far here: [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for an AI Programmer who can make monsters for story games. Note: We need a monster which has advanced path finding, we will only pay if the monster doesn’t get stuck. Our game is based on a house, with lots of items on it. We cannot have a monster that gets stuck or just is low quality. You will also be require to make the monster teleport; Every 20 seconds or so it will teleport to a player(it will teleport a few studs away so it doesn’t instantely kill them) here is what I mean: https://gyazo.com/c5d683451f1c2e1ac76156ca3dbd0963
Here is another one: https://gyazo.com/c4ca0f4291f7f1fd0c951559d61affb1
As you can see, the monster teleports and attacks. You will also need to add an effect for when the monster teleports. The monster model is done and it’s R15; you will only need to program it.

What our game’s build style looks like:

This is just part of it, there are a lot more parts. The monster will need to be able to go up the stairs and not get stuck.

This should be completed within a few days.


We are paying 2 - 3k robux depending on the time taken, and the quality of the monster, we can also do 15% of the revenue.

Contact Us

You can contact us on discord at: Little_Joe#0001

Thanks for reading! And we hope you apply. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask us on discord or on the developer forum.

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We are still hiring! if you’re interested let me know, we can also do USD.

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