About Us
Hi there! I am the owner of shasU clothing, an upcoming clothing group that specializes in creating aesthetic clothing from all types, indie, soft, hardcore etc. We already have an investor so now we are just looking for designers!
The Team
@N/A - designer
@N/A - designer
@N/A - designer
About The Job
We are looking for multiple designers who can create any type of aesthetic clothing for that type of style. We expect those designing to be able to create multiple assets per day in order to have a wide variety of clothing to choose from when we start advertising. We appreciate if you have experience and can show us some of your work, however if you’re just getting into designing feel free to show us some of your stuff too if you feel you can help out!
We are paying in percentages in order to establish a greater bond in sharing our funds with our designers, and hopefully creating a safer environment for them. However if it does fail we have backup funds to pay everyone.
Contact Us
You can contact us through the developer form or DM me (a²#9999)
Thanks for reading!