Hello! I’m searching for some developers. You can find a more detailed explanation below. I’m looking for 1 builder & modeler, and 1 programmer. I have a plan of the game set out - each developer can add to it.
The game will be detailed if accepted into the team. It will be low poly - not too cartoony though. A good example for the BUILD style would be the recently released Skyblock game on ROBLOX.
I’m looking for professional, high-quality developers to join me.
I would like ALL developers to be ACTIVE, determined and respectful.
Please DO NOT contact me if:
- You’re busy with lots of schoolwork or other projects.
- You’re just beginning or are looking for practice work.
- You’re unable to provide examples of previous work.
Please DO contact me if:
- You’re active
- You’re determined
- You’re respectful and speak good English.
I’m looking for 1 builder & modeler and 1 programmer.
If you’re a builder AND modeler - that is an added bonus as we’d be able to have a smaller team.
We will be issuing all developers a % share of the games earnings.
These are subject to change:
Myself (Creator, UI/Design & Organiser) = 25% ← This includes revenue for future ads
Programmer = 35%
Builder = 20%
Modeler = 15%
Other = 5%
We will be investing into this game.
If you’re interested and you meet all of the requirements, please make sure to DM me on Discord, using these credentials: MrDogMusic#8946
If there are any issues with contacting me, let me know via a message on Dev Forums or in the comments.
You must be 14 years + To apply
Thank you for reading, have a fantastic day