Skimmed is a new and upcoming Roblox Parlour group, we are growing a possitive and growing community with increase to of popularity rising. Our game is currently being build and scripted, however we need a modeller for a couple things.
We are in need of a modeller who can model the following:
• Milkshakes
• Sodas
• Soda Machine
• Coffee Machine
• Donuts
• Microwave
The above needs to be colour changeable in Studio (for different flavours etc)
We will be paying 10k . We expect these models to be finished in a week, any longer and we’re not interested. Also, please make sure that the models match our current theme: https://www.roblox.com/groups/7273104/Skimmed .
MESSAGE ME ON DISCORD: Morgan.#2727 (with the dot before the #2727 and the capital M)