(HIRING) Personalities

About Us

Hi there! We are Kreeyate, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for some very talented folks to bring their different personalities from around the world.

About The Job

(This is a multi-job meaning many can do it) We are in need of a few people to create 100 phrases of what a specific personality would say. For example, while a goth personality would say something like “Life is only pain” A British person would maybe say "I’m awfully knackered mate!” I have all of the personalities but I am very open to hear your input as yours may be better than mine. These personalities must be English and comprehendible (So no gibberish.) If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!


Price is negotiable however 125-250 Robux per or 1-4 for 50 phrases is preferred.


You can contact me here on the devforum or Discord Levee Green#1234

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