Hiring Thumbnail and game icon artist

Hello I am the owner of “The Lighthouse Theatre” a upcoming Roblox RP group. I am looking for someone to make me some Thumbnail and game icons for our game. Payment will be spoken about in Discord DM’s but I am looking for someone who can do it cheap. Dm on Discord if want to apply! LifeDigger#7559

Hey I am interested I’ve sent a friend request on discord!

I might be able to do this, sent a FR.

Hello, next time mind telling me you’re not interested instead of taking interest and bashing me for being overpriced and using a free editor. Thanks

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Just curious, what software do you use? There shouldn’t be any software to criticize.

Hey, I’m down! I have experience making thumbnails for Youtube videos and also have some experience editing videos. You can reach me by just messaging me back on Dev Forum or by DMing me on discord at marc.n#5912

Thank you!

I use Pixlr which is a really good editing software. I dont see the need to criticize such

Yes. I’ve seen what Pixlr can do. And while I do not personally use it, I admit I’ve heard great things about it. There is plenty of free software that needs no criticism. I use GIMP and Adobe XD, both free, both get the job done!

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