[hiring] Top Games!

About Us
Hi there! We are Top Games!, a brand new game development team. We’re looking for new members and investors for upcoming projects! We also need a large team of people. We plan to have 4 top games on roblox by May 2021! I already have plenty of ideas for game now we just need people like you to make it happen! :hiring every skill type:

Here is the group link:

If you want to help with funding and helping our group please buy this t-shirt!


To contact me, my discord is KelbyJr#3745

It’s only 10 robux so we get 7 robux for every sale! This could be very helpful to realse our game, Pillow Simulator early!

Thanks for reading! :smile:


I’m talking about the job, the funding was if you wanted to do it.

Adding you on discord. I am a scripter.

What are you exactly hiring? What are you paying? You need more detail in your post, maybe re-read the format to include missing details.

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It’s not allowed to ask for investors on the DevForum see Global Rule 17.1

You’re not allowed to post Investor hiring on devforum