How are glorykills made?

Here’s a video example ^.

I don’t need to know how it is scripted, I just need to know the idea so that I can get it scripted.

Basically, me and my scripter have been struggling on scripting a glorykill because we do not know the idea. Like how do we start?

When the player is running around and run up to the opponent, does the camera snap into a different humanoid that has the animation?
Are both rigs connected, or are they individually exported to the animation software?

Basically, I’d like to know how you guys create your glorykills with important information like the rig exporting, ETC. Feel free to say how it was scripted too, thanks!

Well, if it were to be an animation it would be wayy to glitchy, so probably camera. And I’m pretty sure they attached the gun to both of the hands.
–Note: I don’t Actually know how it works though, just what I’m thinking ;q

I made something like this no less than a month ago what i done was get the target of the mouse when the player presses the key to glory kill and then checks if that is an enemy if so it tweens the player to them with some magnitude and cframe stuff then plays and animation such as shooting of punching the enemy